Wilder Pentwyn Appeal - Update
Radnorshire Wildlife Trust Celebrates Success of Pentwyn Appeal!
Natterjack toad
The rare natterjack toad is found at just a few coastal locations, where it prefers shallow pools on sand dunes, heaths and marshes.
Common toad
Despite its warts and ancient associations with witches, the common toad is a gardener's friend, sucking up slugs and snails. It is famous for migrating en masse to its breeding ponds.
Update: RWT's statement of the Nant Mithil Energy Park
RWT's updated position statement on the Nant Mithil Energy Park (a development by Bute Energy Limited)
An update from the Trusts in Wales, June 23
The Wildlife Trusts across Wales have been busy with plenty of campaigns, appeals, project work, reserve management and much more! Get a taste of what they have been up to right here.
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Storm Petrel
Our smallest breeding seabird, the storm petrel is barely larger than a house martin! They mostly nest among rocks or in burrows on small offshore islands.