We protect wildlife
Together with our members and volunteers, we work to protect wildlife across Radnorshire, both on our 18 nature reserves and through our work with others.
2022-2030 Strategy
At RWT we believe that if we act now, together across communities and strategically with landowners and decision makers we can create positive change for both nature’s recovery and climate change – reducing its impacts and mitigating against in-bedded changes.

We manage natural landscapes
Radnorshire Wildlife Trust manages just over 400 hectares of land for wildlife. We also work with others to encourage and help them to manage their land, from gardens to farms and community green spaces, for wildlife.
Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
We teach people about the wonders of nature
We teach people of all ages to care for wildlife, through our work with schools and young people, training sessions and our family events.
We stand up for wildlife in Radnorshire
We campaign to raise awareness about issues affecting wildlife locally and nationally. We work locally to ensure wildlife is protected - through our planning work, for example.
Wildlife in Radnorshire 2017 Report
A detailed audit was undertaken by Radnorshire Wildlife Trust (RWT) to assess the current status of Radnorshire's wildlife in 2017. This report sets out the priorities for RWT's role in aiding nature's recovery.