Inspiring Person of the Month - January 2024
This month's inspiring person is our very own Community Organising Officer, Janet Barker!

Start looking around you, at the plants, insects etc. Take notice of the small things and you'll start to learn as you go about your daily life. Be curious and look them up.
Can you tell us a bit about your job and what you do?
I'm a Community Organising Officer, a bit of a mouthful! I work on the Nextdoor Nature Project, which is all about asking people what they'd like to see in their neighbourhoods and local spaces and helping them to achieve it. We've so far helped four estates improve for nature and are working with other local groups and organisations to do similar.
How did you get to where you are today?
A very long way around! I've always loved nature, getting outdoors and investigating bugs as a kid. I managed to get into Uni to study Environmental Science even though my A Level results were rubbish. I wanted to work for Greenpeace and managed to get a temporary job there for a few months but decided I couldn't live in London so did loads of different jobs from Rangering, volunteering on nature reserves, working in Environmental Education, Librarian and some lab based science work. I also went travelling to get more conservation experience as that was what they really wanted back in the day!
Throughout all this though I've always been an environmental activist and have remained committed to nature and environmental conservation. It's what brought me to Wales. Once here I took any work I could before settling on Support work, then this came up and I jumped at the chance to get involved with an organisation that I firmly believed in and could once again get back to doing something I loved.
What advice would you give to aspiring conservationists?
You don't have to work for a particular organisation to learn stuff. Start looking around you, at the plants, insects etc. Take notice of the small things and you'll start to learn as you go about your daily life. Be curious and look them up. Before you know it your knowledge will be up there above your friends. Apply, even if you don't think you'll get the job give it a go and ask for feedback, don't be disheartened. If you have spare time then there's often groups in your community that are doing conservation or nature projects. Powys Green Guide can help you find them.
Your passion and interests are often what can help you get into work in this field. If you have been involved in groups that shows just how much you care. Good luck! We need you!