Tourism is an important element of the local economy and is a growing economic sector into which both farmers and other land owners are diversifying. A main attraction to this area is the beautiful landscape, a natural and historic environment, rich in wildlife with the remains of past human activity.
This feasibility study will:
- Research the current offer for and providers of nature based tourism in the project area including the different audience groups that are currently targeted.
- Assess the viability of nature-based tourism. This will include working with farmers and landowners of rhos pasture involved in the project as well as existing local tourism providers to identify possible opportunities for development.
- Identify ways in which wildlife tourism can be better marketed to a range of audiences.
- Research and develop the potential for a “Wildlife Experience” tourism offer to enable visitors to get closer to nature and better understand the wildlife that Radnorshire has.
The fixed price for the contract is £5000.
For more details on the study please see the brief below.
Closing date for a tender is 21 November 2021.
Enquires can be made to Lucy Morton, Project Manager -