Wild Ideas - creative workshops

Wild Ideas event

Wild Ideas - Creative Workshops

To save the wildlife and tackle climate change, we need more than just shovels and rakes, we need pens, paper, paint, brushes, spray cans and... we need creativity and imagination. 
We launched the Wild Ideas workshops in 2021, as our way of engaging with young people about the ecological and climate emergency in a creative way.

The programme carried on in 2022 and now..... We are organising a FREE Wild Ideas Camp!!!

Watch this space for more info... 

Stay in touch and get all the news about the camp by signing up to our

Under 25's e-news!


Creative workshops - Gallery


Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event

Film making

Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event


Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event

Mask making

Wild Ideas event

(C) Jane Mason

Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event

(C) Jane Mason

Wild Ideas event


Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event

(C) Jane Mason

Wild Ideas event


Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event


Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event
Wild Ideas event

Creative writing workshop - Poems

How to please a thistle  

Meadow Brown on thistle

(c) Silvia Cojocaru

A thistle
stands tall
but her head
will barley reach your knee.
Even so
do not stoop down to the floor
for that is just rude.
Tell her she is special
stroke her pretty spikes
smell her budding
even if
she bites your nose.


Never look twice at a
or a rose
even a daisy is a risk
if you wish
to please a thistle girl.
So never smile
never pick another flower
kiss her pretty face
and smile as she glowers.
                                    by Lily 

How to please the clouds

Radnor Forest
Tell them you don’t mind when they
Gather high above, when they build
Cathedrals of clouds only to destroy
Them hours later when the bottom
Falls out and soaks the ground in rain.
Tell them you don’t mind when they go
On strike and refuse to build even
A single cloud, even though the naked
Blue is so bright you have to squint.
You don’t even mind when they descend
And cloak the hills and trees in
Fog, like the sky has served the soup of the
Day into the bowls of the valleys.
But I do mind when they threaten
To drop a cloudy city onto us for days
But never let it fall, and it never rains.

                                             by Catrin 

Willow Globe meadow

Wild Ideas event
The trees stretch out, an arm raised to the sky encircling the circle we have made
The grass is thick, and the air is thin
My heart beats in time with the birds and
I feel a thistle whisper a secret against my exposed skin
The sky is the colour of apathy and the
Clouds are half formed thoughts passing by my eyes
A fly buzzes past my ear and the leaves sigh in the smallest breeze
The low hum of vehicles passes by
But the birds though quieter by a half, drown it out
As though to say you are a guest in my land fly is back.
               by Lily 


Branch and leaves

(c) Silvia Cojocaru

You can climb them, 
You can hide in them, 
You can look up into the leaves, 
Enjoy the beauty. 
Notice we all have different perspectives. 
They bring us food, give us oxygen. 
When you are lost 
they guide us in the world. 
                                    by Orla 

Save the world

Tawny owl

Tawny owl ©Margaret Holland

Save the trees
I mean they help us breathe! 
Of course the animals next, 
Goldfinches wobbling on gorse 
Owls too tall, banging heads on the box 
Happiness stored inside a single flower 
Could all be lost in the next hour. 
                                                by Eds 

Curtain call


Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Curtain call
Calls back
The memories of 1594
Reminds me of innocence
Words by a long dead imagination
Calls back to me
And echoes in our landfills
A message in a plastic bottle swallowed by
The greedy sea
Addicted to its death bed and poison levels
Out of my fingertips
It goes cold to the touch into nights air 

                                                      by Lily 

Save the world

Hedgehog (c) Tom Marshall

Tom Marshall

We are being idiotic
It is like we are all constantly drunk.
We’re all aware.
We’re all aware.
We’re all fully aware of the crisis
And we are scared.
But then why aren’t we acting?
We need to act – for the sake of our children and our grandchildren.
For the sake of our creations,
For our own sakes.
So adopt a hedgehog
Report people for littering
Restrict your use of planes.
                                  by Gracie


Oak Wood by Silvia Cojocaru
There are lots of things hidden in a forest, 
the potential for a den,  
the smell of nothing and yet everything. 
The bitter cold that shows you 
how strong you can be. 
Teaming nature. 
                                                  by Wilfred


Seven sisters

Daniele Clifford

Cliffs stand tall
Proud bow
Loading the solitary helm
Sea salt spray
Sea crystal orbs
Falling back down
To the sea
Its home
Cliffs dream
Of walking away
Of pulling themselves
From the rock
 Of running
Like the seagull
Cliffs dream of
Ivory sands
See-through blue
But the waves are
Leaping tall
And soon
There will be no
Cliffs to dream
At all  
      by Lily 

What a toothbrush dreams of?

Marine litter

Nia Jones

Toothbrushes dream of
the tooth fairy. They dream
of teeth falling out and
flying away from all their
troubles, only to wake up and
do it all over again , and again, and again.
dream of keeping bristles tall and white
and straight forever, never to be
tossed away in black bags,
to float onwards on waves of
rubbish and other dreaming
toothbrushes. They don’t dream of
spending forever entangled in
seaweed on some far flung
beach, falling to pieces under the sun. 
                           by Catrin 

What do rivers dream of?

River Marteg

(c) Silvia Cojocaru 

Rivers dream of
not being confined
to their banks
but to spill
over the land
Other rivers dream of
being free of all
their worries
their worries about
pollution filling them
                       by Sky 

Plastic wrapper poem

Litter picking by Chloe Jackson
This is just to say
I watched the news last night
My carefully smoothed out
creases set upon a dark countertop
and I fixed my attention on the flatscreen
that opens your eyes and blinds your heart.
I see the sea
Sparkling with plastic
I see the trees falling
I see the water rushing in
Forgive me
My crinkled form
crumples in on itself
it will slowly kill everything around it
A hand reaches out
crumples me up
and I am put in a bin
I await the end;
And the bin men.
                by Lily 

River choking on plastic

River Wye

(c) River Action

Forgive me
I didn’t mean to drop out the pocket
I didn’t ask the wind to blow
I didn’t know the river was there
I don’t like to block up rivers
Or be swallowed by a fish
Or ruin the pretty view
Please forgive me
I am sorry
It isn’t my fault
          by Sky 


A coastal landscape, with the sea gently lapping at smooth rocks as the sun sets behind scattered clouds

Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Everyone has a paradise
Be it small


Some like to keep it concealed
others like to flaunt it
like a medal or a trophy wife.
I like to set mine free
release the memories,
scent and colour
the sounds
of the sea
my laughter and white sponge cake
I like to walk into a
breath in one swift breathe
and be caught
by the smell that transports
Memories of what was
memories I never wrote
but I knew would happen
if I’d stayed
in my tangible paradise.
                     by Lily 

Poisoned world

Walking boots
The sad sound of a violin
A pair of shoes tattered with a hole at the toes
It would be as bitter as 100% chocolate
At sunset but the grey clouds block the colours
It would be a feeling of distress as if you had nowhere to go. 
                    By Thirza

How to please the hill

Hills at Gilfach
How do we please the hills
Hills stand tall and strong in the greatest storm
It maybe even stands alone
But a storm will always finish
The hills please themselves by staying strong
Sometimes the hills are pleased
When the closest friends they have are trees
Which they invite to a party
Sometimes hills may be
Just too dry and have no friends at all
But the storm helps it on its way
To the party
             by Sky 
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These workshops were made possible by players of People's Postcode Lottery.