Onshore Wind


Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

Onshore Wind

Position Statement

RWT is concerned about the scale and cumulative impact of wind developments and the associated infrastructure proposed in Radnorshire. There are  20 energy parks across Wales, 3 that we know about in Radnorshire and 2 associated large-scale pylon lines. We do not have confidence that our expectations for good design, habitat mitigation and community benefit will be met. We therefore expect to object to the developments as applications are submitted.   

RWT have responded to the preliminary consultation on Nant Mithil, with Bute Energy. We have concerns about the scale and scheme design. We await sight of updated plans and the final habitat design plan. 

We have responded to the initial consultation on the Towy-Usk pylon line and are reviewing the Phase I EIA scoping report, submitted to PEDW. We will continue to work with neighbouring Wildlife Trusts on our formal response to ensure wildlife is protected.  

Wind power and the associated infrastructure required has a significant role to play in the UK’s energy mix, but thorough assessment is vital to ensure that all ecological, landscape and community impacts are fully identified, the worst being avoided, and others mitigated prior to consent of any development.. 

Areas in Mid Wales, and thus the UK as a whole, this undeveloped are scarce and immeasurably precious, not just for their landscape character but for the value they can have for nature. The landscapes of Radnorshire and mid Wales are high quality and we intend to protect that.  Poorly sited wind farms, and their associated infrastructure, can be harmful for the local environment, both during the construction phase and in the long-term. We will be watching these applications closely, maintaining dialogue with the developer and key local partners and communities.   We will continue to update these pages as more information is made available. 

If you wish to get in touch with RWT regarding this position, please contact info@rwtwales.org


Is now in the public domain.  We will engage in initial consultation applying the same principles as with Nant Mithil. Please check the website for further updates as the project progresses.

Bryn Gilwern

Is now in the public domain.  We will engage in initial consultation applying the same principles as with Nant Mithil. Please check the website for further updates as the project progresses.