Ymunwch ag Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Sir Faesyfed heddiw
Trwy ddod yn aelod o Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Sir Faesyfed, fe fyddwch chi’n ein helpu ni i warchod bywyd gwyllt Sir Faesyfed. Fel aelod, fe fyddwch chi hefyd yn cael cylchlythyr rheolaidd i aelodau sy’n llawn o erthyglau diddorol, newyddion am ddigwyddiadau a lleoedd y gallwch chi ymweld â nhw i fwynhau natur.
Give the gift of wildlife
This winter, give the gift of wildlife – for yourself or someone special. By becoming a member of Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, you’ll be contributing to the protection of local wildlife and nature. Unsure what to get for the wildlife lover in your life? A membership could be the perfect gift they’ll cherish.
What does membership include?
You'll get a membership pack, which contains our reserves booklet and the latest copy of our newsletter (Digital copies as standart with January sales members, if you would rather a physical copy, please let us know), which goes out regularly to our members and is packed with interesting articles, news about events and place you can visit for nature. Family memberships also include extra goodies such as the Wildlife Watch magazine!
What other benefits do you get?
By being a member of Radnorshire Wildlife Trust you can gain exclusive access to discounts with our corporate sponsers. See here for more details.
Dewiswch y math o aelodaeth yr hoffech chi
Helpwch i warchod bywyd gwyllt Sir Faesyfed
To set up a Direct Debit
Please download the membership application form and return the completed form to our postal address.